Support local business when you can.

With restaurants and bars around Greater Toronto Area temporarily shut down due to COVID-19, many small businesses are struggling. This site is meant to be a resource for the citizens of this city to find local spots to order from and support.

Business Information

At this time, we will only be accepting GTA businesses for submissions. Thanks for your understanding!

Gift Cards

If people can buy a gift card online, provide a link to that location:

Ordering Options

If people can order by phone, enter the number here:
If people can order online, enter the order link here:
What are the different delivery and takeout methods available?
Can customers use delivery apps with your business?
Please select all delivery apps that apply
If customers need to follow any specific instructions add them in here:
Thank you! Your submission has been received and is currently being reviewed. As soon as we confirm all the information you'll see the listing here on the site!
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